By Caroline S. Constance
David M. Engel thoroughly discusses in his book, The Myth of the Litigious Society: Why We Don’t Sue, how the United
States is not as litigious as most people across the globe perceive it to be. Human
beings are impressionable by nature. Just as some parents describe their
children as “sponges” who absorb the mannerisms and language of their
environment, many humans inadvertently do the same throughout adulthood. People
tend to behave and engage in choices that are normal within their society. As
Engel discusses, society, culture, religion, and other people in one’s life all
play a factor into influencing one’s choices and decisions.
Engel explains that the United States engages in “lumping” rather than actually
claiming. Engel states that “a disputant with a valid legal claim who engages in
lumping is one who absorbs the wrong rather than taking action against another
party” (p. 21). The book explores and discusses different factors and explanations
as to why Americans choose to “lump” rather than claim when injured. The point
I agree with most as to why people lump rather than claim is the fact
that society and one’s environment influence the person’s actions and choices.
A person’s self in their environment, religion as a form of causation, social
and cultural environment, and the influence of others all contribute the choice
one makes.
self and the environment interchangeably affect one another. Engel mentions, “Humans
are quite literally the creatures of their environment, which leaves its traces
in their minds and on their bodies. At the same time, human perception and
behavior constantly shape the social environment and create the forms and
practices that define it” (p. 77). How are we supposed to have people live and
function in a way where they are not influenced by their everyday environment
and in reverse, not have their actions and behaviors contribute to their
environment and influence others? I used to believe that everyone has free will
and chooses to do whatever they please. I assumed most people when injured would
try to claim and attempt to get whatever bit of remedy they can possibly get.
Now, however, I realize that depending on the type of environment one lives in,
that may not be so. If a person lives in an environment where others tend to
swiftly claim when injured, then if they become injured, they may do the same.
However, if one sees others lump instead of claiming, they may choose to lump
because that it what they see others doing. What the majority of people within
that environment are doing is what another person will naturally follow to do.
Seeing a certain choice be common among the environment you interact in will
lead one to choose to do the same. Just as the self and the environment affect
one’s choice to lump, religion can be another causation factor.
beliefs can play a role in an individual’s decision-making to lump rather than
claim. Engel explained that “[s]ome writers . . . . [a]rgue that Americans’
religious faith not only does but should lead injury victims to view causation
as a barrier to claiming” (p. 96). This argument can be demonstrated using
Christianity as an example, where a Christian may interpret being injured as an
intentional part of God’s plan for them and consequently, lumping rather than
claiming. Before reading Engel’s take on this theory, I assumed deeply-religious
abiders would view being harmed or injured as God’s work and that they may
learn the purpose later down the road. I never realized just how much more
common it may be for individuals who are more tolerant than devout, such as
myself. While never having been seriously injured by another, I tend to have
the mindset that “things happen for a reason.” Hypothetically, even I may be
injured by another and choose to lump after being injured by simply justifying
the occurrence as part of “God’s plan” and it “happening for a reason.” I now
realize that many people may believe that a wrong being done to them was a
force of religion despite whatever faith they follow and that may in fact lead
them to lump. A person who may not necessarily be religious may even lump by
believing that they somehow deserved the injury. A form of guilt can be the driving-force
behind this mindset. A person who feels guilty for something unrelated from the
incident may perceive the injury as “karma” for something regardless of them
being of Hindu-belief or even a “what goes around comes around” mindset. Religious
causation is a contributing factor to lumping in our civil dispute resolution system,
but the social and cultural environment contribute, as well.
social and cultural environment can sway an individual into deciding to lump. From
my own personal experience with friends and family it almost always seems to
be a better choice to lump than to claim when weighing your pros and cons. As
Engel states, “Socially marginalized or disempowered people who fear personal
consequences may feel they have no choice but to suffer an injustice and give
up any thought of claiming” (p. 143). This was one thing I always knew and
understood before reading Engel’s book. In the book, Engel, as an example,
discusses a person who gets injured in the workplace may choose to lump in fear
of jeopardizing their job or even future job opportunities. It makes sense for
a person to have this type of fear because regardless of what the incident was,
a place of employment is operated by other human beings as well. Other human
beings may interpret an employee bringing a claim as a form of betrayal and
hold that against the person in the workplace even if that person does not lose
their job. Consequences such as these is why a person may feel like lumping
will ultimately result in their favor. I agree with Engel on this point
especially in the light of victims who may not be able to afford hiring a
lawyer. Some people may consider the risk of losing a case or having to pay
more in lawyer fees than what they will receive in compensation. The risk of
the monetary loss being greater than the compensation is what I believe would
be more of a rational decision to lump rather than claim. Why pay money that
needs to be utilized for necessities and other priorities at a risk of not
receiving much compensation if any at all? That is not only a gamble but an
enormous deterrent from claiming. Just as one’s social and cultural environment
contribute to a decision to lump, so does the influence of other people close
to the victim.
close friends, and whoever the victim holds close in their personal life can
all influence the victim’s decision to lump. In describing the influence of
others on a victim’s perspective, Engel states, “For injury victims . . .
interactions with their closest friends and family members will produce a
shared understanding of the accident, why it happened, and what should be done
about it” (p. 157). Before reading this chapter, my own personal experiences
led me to agree with this. A friend and I were driving on a highway excited to
reach the end of a three-hour drive. Unfortunately, we were met with traffic
near the end of the journey. Consequent of the traffic, vehicles were suddenly
coming to a stop and my friend did not start braking soon enough before hitting
the back of the car in front of us. Fortunately, there were not any damages to
either vehicle. The other driver whose vehicle we had hit was very hostile when
we all first exited our vehicles. After my friend was apologetic, her attitude
quickly changed and began saying “everything’s alright, at least both of our
cars are fine.” She told us since the cars were not damaged we should all just
continue on our way but if her husband was with her, the cops would have been
called. This experience is just an example of why I completely agree with Engel
that a strong influence of others helps a victim decide whether or not to lump.
My friend diffused the situation by remaining calm when the other driver was
screaming at him. His reaction caused her reaction to change completely. She
did make it a point to let us know had her husband been with her, she would have
had the situation result differently. This woman’s husband influences her
decision-making because if there were visible damages to her car, he would have
come to know later on, which would have led her to decide to call the police
right then and there despite his absence. His opinion and what he would want
her to do is a driving-force behind her decision-making. The same way this
woman’s husband holds an influence on her, is the same way others can influence
a victim into lumping.
Reform of the United States tort system would be intricate. Developing a way to
mandate citizens to claim when injured would only flood our legal system. How
are we supposed to magically stop citizens’ lumping attitude from being
immersed into society and vice versa? Remembering the New Zealand Accident
Compensation Act approach of eliminating the litigation process almost
altogether may not be a feasible option either. Perhaps developing a
middle-ground would suffice. Incidents where there is a clear injury and victim,
such as being hit by a car, could be settled in a system similar to New
Zealand’s, where there would be a lack of litigation and compensation to the victim. Situations
where there lacks an evident injured victim or requires more inquiry into the
defendant’s liability can be litigated to ensure validity and fairness. This
approach may be difficult to create and exercise. As most things, it would not
be perfect. There will still be deceptive citizens attempting to swindle the
system and receive compensation or injured parties who deserve more than what
the system decided they were to receive to be made as close to whole as
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